Once selected, TALA Fellows will engage in a variety of face-to-face and online experiences with TALA coaches, mentors, policy makers, and peers. This will establish a collegial network upon which TALA Fellows can rely.
TALA will consist of 3 face-to-face meetings held annually from August – July. Tentatively, these face-to-face sessions are set to occur in the Houston, Dallas, and Austin metropolitan areas, respectively. In between these face-to-face sessions, Fellows will engage in an active online learning environment. These online sessions will cover specific topics and will be led by senior leaders and experts in the topics being discussed. Sessions will alternate between synchronous and asynchronous settings, allowing Fellows the ease of participating as their time allows and reducing travels costs.
Fellows will also be guided in their experience through a structured mentor relationship. Institutions will be asked to provide a mentor for each Fellow. Mentors will guide Fellows through the development of an Individualized Leadership Development Plan, meet with Fellows regularly, and provide feedback to Fellows.